World Book Day at Eureka Primary School

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At Eureka we like to think that everyday of learning is special for our pupils and members of staff - we aim to make every lesson engaging and memorable.  There are, however, certain events that only happen once or occasionally - those special one off events!  On this page you will find the details of these eve

ts and videos and photographs to accompany the write ups!  We hope you enjoy finding out about them as much as we have enjoyed taking part in them!

World Book Day (Thursday 4th march, 2021):

World Book Day is always a special day at Eureka because we absolutely love reading and love books - in all their different shapes and sizes...however this year World Book Day took on an extra special element...we had a visit from renowned children's author and long time friend of the school - the very talented Mike Molloy (Nana Troll, The Saxon's Socks, etc).

Due to Coronavirus restrictions still being in place Mike wasn't able to visit the school in person - however that didn't stop us having lots of fun!
The day started with an assembly where Mike told us a little bit about himself and then he explained the structure of the day.  This was followed by a short question and answer session with Mike and everybody sharing their World Book Day outfits and costumes (amazing outfits as always Eureka!)  Mike then told us a little bit about the competitions that he had designed, the worksheets that him and his illustrator had kindly created and the amazing prizes that they were giving to the winners.

After the assembly the Adventurers and Thinkers were treated to a live story-telling session with Mike where he shared with us his story 'The Easter Bunny'.  Mike then told the children some interesting facts about Easter before introducing the EYFS/KS1 competition - drawing an Easter character.  There was a discussion about how to create a character and the children then had chance to ask Mike lot's of questions about his stories and his job.

Following on from the Adventurers and Thinkers it was the turn of Explorers and Investigators.  In the Q and A session the children were keen to ask lots of questions about the book making process and there was a really interesting and powerful discussion about how making something really special is often a team effort - requiring lots of people with a range of different talents - such as writers, people with ideas, illustrators, editors and publishers.  The important message that we all took away from this session was that everyone has a talent and that everybody can be useful to a team in some way.  We know the Investigators were particularly keen to go away and try some collaborative story making!

Finally it was the turn of our oldest children - the Enquirers.  The session started with a discussion around intended audiences for Mike's books - including 'The Easter Bunny'.  Mike then explained the competition challenge to the children about creating a story for younger children.  Mike then read The Easter Bunny as an example of literature for younger children.  In the following Q and A session the children were amazed to find out that Mike couldn't really read and write until he was 13 - prompting a really inspiring discussion around dyslexia and how it doesn't have to be a barrier to success.

Overall the day was great fun, and very interesting.  The children were clearly inspired as the competition entries that followed were simply incredible (please check out the gallery below).  So, a huge thank you to Mike and his team, and a huge thank you to everyone who joined us for the day either at school or at home.  As a memento of the day all of the children were given a copy of one of Mike's books for them to take home and keep.

Stage One